Mixed Heritages: Alaskan-Hawaiian Native /German, Japanese and Filipino

Associated EMMY/DGA Award Wins – The Amazing Race (Mongolia s10.e2)
Who is Zanjan Fromer?
Zanjan Fromer is a globally recognized International Development Specialist, Rapid Expeditionary Development (RED) Strategist, and Multimedia Innovation Expert, with over 30 years of transformative contributions in post-transition recovery, sustainable tourism, environmental conservation, and global marketing. His career began in Mongolia in 1994, where he worked on integrating the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into national frameworks. Since then, he has dedicated his career to addressing the challenges of fragile economies and societies, leveraging his expertise to design scalable, sustainable solutions that drive economic resilience and cultural preservation. Zanjan’s impact spans collaborations with organizations like USAID, The World Bank, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), where he managed initiatives such as cross-industry supply chain analyses and innovative frameworks that empower rural and nomadic communities.
A leader in global marketing, Zanjan has directed multi-channel campaigns that integrate SEO-driven platforms, digital content creation, and traditional marketing for international audiences across the EU, UK, United States, and Southeast Asia. As a multimedia storyteller, he has produced centerpiece films for the National Geographic Society Museum and the Rubin Museum of Art, while also contributing to Emmy and DGA award-winning productions like “The Amazing Race.” Recognized for his enduring impact, Zanjan has been featured in global publications, including National Geographic Society, USA TODAY, and Lonely Planet, and was awarded the prestigious Ministry Medal by the Mongolian Government for his decades-long commitment to advancing Mongolia’s social and economic aspirations. His passion for integrating innovative strategies, cultural authenticity, and sustainability continues to define his work as a trusted expert and advocate for global development.
Занжан Фромер гэж хэн бэ?
Занжан Фромер нь дэлхий дахинд хүлээн зөвшөөрөгдсөн Олон улсын хөгжлийн мэргэжилтэн, Шуурхай экспедицийн хөгжлийн (RED) стратегич, Мультимедиа инновацын эксперт бөгөөд шилжилтийн дараах сэргээн босголт, тогтвортой аялал жуулчлал, байгаль орчны хамгаалал, дэлхийн маркетингийн салбарт 30 гаруй жилийн турш хувь нэмрээ оруулж ирсэн.
Түүний ажил мэргэжил 1994 онд Монгол Улсад эхэлсэн бөгөөд НҮБ-ын Хүүхдийн эрхийн конвенцыг (UNCRC) үндэсний бодлогын тогтолцоонд нэгтгэн нэвтрүүлэх чиглэлээр ажиллаж байв. Үүнээс хойш тэрээр эмзэг эдийн засаг, нийгмийн сорилтуудыг шийдвэрлэхэд анхаарч, эдийн засгийн тогтвортой байдал, соёлын өвийг хадгалах өргөтгөх боломжтой, тогтвортой шийдлүүдийг боловсруулж, хэрэгжүүлж ирсэн.
Занжан Фромер USAID, Дэлхийн Банк, Швейцарийн Хөгжлийн Агентлаг (SDC) зэрэг байгууллагуудтай хамтран ажиллаж, салбар хоорондын нийлүүлэлтийн сүлжээний судалгаа, хөдөөгийн болон нүүдэлчин иргэдийг чадавхжуулах шинэлэг төслүүдийг удирдан хэрэгжүүлсэн.
Дэлхийн маркетинг ба мультимедиа өгүүлэмж
Дэлхийн маркетингийн чиглэлээр тэрээр Европын Холбоо, Их Британи, АНУ, Зүүн Өмнөд Азийн олон улсын зах зээлд олон сувгийн маркетингийн стратегийг амжилттай хэрэгжүүлж, SEO-нд суурилсан дижитал платформ, контент бүтээлт, уламжлалт маркетингийн хосолсон аргачлалыг ашиглан үр дүнтэй кампанит ажлуудыг удирдаж ирсэн.

Монгол Улсад оруулсан хувь нэмэр
Занжан Фромерийн Монгол Улсад оруулсан олон жилийн хувь нэмрийг үнэлж, Монгол Улсын Засгийн газраас Монгол Улсын Аялал Жуулчлалын Тэргүүний Ажилтан медалиар шагнасан бөгөөд түүний ажил бүтээл нь National Geographic Society, USA TODAY, Lonely Planet зэрэг дэлхийн нэр хүндтэй хэвлэл мэдээллийн хэрэгслүүдэд онцлогдож байв. Инноваци, соёлын өвийг хүндэтгэх зарчим, тогтвортой хөгжлийн стратегийг хослуулан ажилладаг тэрээр олон улсын хөгжлийн салбарт найдвартай эксперт, санаачлагч, сурталчлагч хэмээн үнэлэгддэг.
“Zanjan Fromer and his team provided top notch creative and logistic support for an episode of “The Amazing Race” for CBS. His creative problem solving and fast thinking helped us get through some very tough situations and in the end added one of the more memorable episodes to an EMMY and DGA Award winning season.”
Barry Hennessey (Senior Field Producer for The Amazing Race USA)
Best Episode YET!
Channel 10, The Amazing Race Australia 2019
Awarded The Medal of Honor for Leadership
Mongolian Ministry 2015
top notch creative and logistic support
Zanjan Fromer and his team provided top notch creative and logistic support for an episode of "The Amazing Race" for CBS. His creative problem solving and fast thinking helped us get through some very tough situations and in the end added one of the more memorable episodes to an Emmy and DGA award winning season.
Barry Hennessey, Country Producer
The Amazing Race (2006)
One of the World’s Innovative Travel Entrepreneurs
National Geographic Society
World’s Best Travel Experiences - Out of the Ordinary Stays
National Geographic Society
high quality, professional media work that stands out
Zanjan Fromer’s creativity ensures delivery of high quality, professional media work that stands out. Always willing to take on a new challenge, he thrives on problem solving and new approaches.
Alan Saffery, Deputy Chief of Party
USAID Funded The Competitiveness Initiative 2000-03
United Nations UNESCAP
Recommended Community Based Tourism Case Study for Governments during the 63rd UNESCAP Session's Report
United Nations Economic Social Commission for Asia and The Pacific (UNESCAP) 2007
… Most Innovative Tourism Concept in Mongolia… Top of every traveller’s wish list…
Lonely Planet 2008-14

“The only source of knowledge is Experience” – Steve Jobs, Apple Inc.
“Repetitively turning/advancing globally and geographically remote/socially & economically challenged location-products into Globally/Industry Known Brands is a successful testimony to my experience, know-how and skills in relation to media, marketing & competitiveness development.”
For 26+ years I have lived & worked internationally (around the world: Asia, NE/Central Asia, Europe, USA, etc.), gaining firsthand knowledge of the world, as an ALASKAN (USA) FIELD SPECIALIST; that includes but not limited to the following: designing, implementing, leading and/or managing COUNTLESS (literally 100s/if not 1000s) overseas multi-sector/multi-industry social economic transitional development deliverables via initiatives for USAID funded initiatives (Communications & Mass Media Marketing Specialist, Filmmaker, etc.), World Bank (Tourism R&A), Swiss Agency for International Development, etc., and/or via Rapid Expeditionary Development for GER to GER. I am the Founder of a community based ECOtourism Initiative known as “GER to GER” across Mongolia www.GERtoGER.org which is internationally published (NATGEO Press Release) numerous times over the past decade, awarded (Certificate of Excellence signed by the vice president of National Geographic Society) as well as the first National Geographic Society D.C. certified [GEOtourism Ambassador] to Mongolia and much more…
For decades I have honed my skill sets/expertise to be ‘Mixed & Used Creatively‘ for a variety of works in relation to film/ reality tv/ photography/ tourism & destination development/ outback navigation & expeditions/ data-collecting & GIS mapping/ SITREP security/ market intelligence & strategies/ traditional & digital marketing/ mass media/ digital media/ digital & print publications/ web development/ seo & sem analysis and strategies/ business development/ digital & traditional supply chain intelligence and mapping/ global trade shows/ social economic development/ fostering public-private sector partnerships, etc., with a very broad range of skill sets and much more… as 100% proven by my timeline of worldwide travels, rural/urban/international-level works, global achievements and recognitions e.g. Governmental Ministry Medal of Honor with over a decade worth of internationally famed publications written about my works in addition to associated awards (EMMY/DGA/etc.).
Other career highlights include being a…
- Fixer/Production Manager for famed Reality TV Productions e.g. The Amazing Race USA (associated with EMMY/DGA Wins) as well as The Amazing Race Australia 2019 (our Episode quoted as “The Best Episode Yet!”), etc.,
- Strategic producer and filmmaker for National Geographic & Rubin Art Museums’ Centerpiece Films; etc.,
- Internationally published (WHL/The Travel World) organization for 15+ years in numerous online/offline famed National Geographic publications,
- Listed organization in many famed guidebooks (Lonely Planet, Petit Fute, etc.),
- Featured organization in numerous international news articles (USA TODAY, New York Magazine – The Cut, etc.),
- Listed organization in Ministry Approved international trade fairs (ITB, WTM, etc.), etc., for almost a decade,
- Case Study within United Nation’s ESCAP Report (page 14) that world governments could consider,
- Recipient of an official Mongolian Governmental Ministry Medal of Honor,
- AND so much more.
& Editor
FOUNDER of ADVENTURE STUDIO (2000); as many folks around the world (unethical squatters) started to also use variations of my FIRST brand name… I decided to keep the URL but have it directed to my career portfolio site.
![Zanjan Fromer | terra[PRO] Media & Marketing](https://zanjan-fromer.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/terraPRO-Logo-MARCH-2022-v5.png)
terra[PRO] Media & Marketing
Content Development for Multi-Sector Mass Media Marketing & Competitiveness Development
FOUNDER of terra[PRO] Media & Marketing (2021/22) – Globally Innovative, Globally Inspirational
Community based Tourism &
Tourism Destination Development
FOUNDER of GER to GER Mongolia (2005) – our internationally Awarded & Published Nomad Centered Mongolian Community Based Tourism Operations
Perspective Explorations
Gaining ‘FIRSTHAND’ analytical knowledge of the world; travel, business, cultures, locations, market-intelligence/ risks/ context, industries, competitiveness, etc., TO ADVANCE USA-MONGOLIA STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS & GLOBAL MARKET ECONOMICS